The book
The Socially Networked Classroom by William Kist was recently been brought to my attention via a recommendation by
Steve Hargadon. As my potential reading list outweighs my reading time, I plan to read the couple of chapters available via
Google Books and listen to
this interview with the author, which I can do during "down time" in the car, before I decide to buy it. (If there were an audio book, I would have probably already made that purchase.)

According to the forward, the book "asks us if the social interactivity of the Web -- Web 2.0 -- has transformed the way we 'do' school and then shows us, with care and specificity, the way to transform our schools."
So far, it looks promising.
This MP3 has been published by Steve Hargadon and/or Elluminate so they retain the rights to the recording, which appears to be All Rights Reserved due to a lack of any indication otherwise. I make no claim to the rights to use this file, am only linking to it, and will take down the link if asked to do so by the owner of the recording.
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